About Phase Forex Standarts

Purpose and Scope

This announcement covers the principles of the valuation standards to be used by Phase Forex Investment Company as per its "Company Policy".

Phase Forex Investment Company shall be referred to as "Company" hereinafter.

Valuation Standards

1-) Where GAPs arise from product pricing provided by the Liquidity Provider, it is not recommended to perform transactions as per the company policy. For any product, starting a transaction or terminating a hedge up to 1 hour before the closing time of the market is not considered a fair position as per the company policy. It is considered normal for the liquidity provider to cancel the resulting GAP transaction.

2-) Traders should perform "Scalping" under certain circumstances since it is not approved under the company policy considering the transactions of the traders on the market. Where a trader constantly buys and sells (Scalping), it is considered appropriate under the company policy to limit the frequency of transactions to 120 seconds.

3-) Where the TP level is determined under the gap transactions in cryptocurrency that may occur at weekend, the position shall be closed at the TP level. Traders should be wary of sharp price fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market

4-) Differing by product and also known as overnight rollover rate, "Swap" amounts are actively paid or reflected as to the trader's account as an expense for certain products. Considering swap costs, it is not permissible under the company policy to consistently open positions for the purpose of earning Swaps around the market closure time in order to avoid abuses and the efforts to hinder sustainability.

5-) Traders may use the company's bonus offerings to its traders against the interests of the company, abusing the company's good will, using their transactions at different organizations. It is permissible under the Company Policy to monitor such transactions.

5.1-) For the Company's bonus offerings to its traders, bonuses should be kept defined in the accounts as per the Company Policy provided that the profit is withdrawn under the bonus conditions.

6-) Yatırımcılar açısından uygun görülen fon çekim zaman aralığı hafta içi 10:00 – 16:00 , Cuma günleri ise 10:00-12:00 olarak Şirket politikası gereği uygun görülmektedir. Yatırım yapıldıktan sonra çekim için minimum 24 saat geçmesi gerekmektedir.

7-) Where the price communicated by the liquidity providers does not accept the bridge prices provided by the Company, failure to provide quotation may occur. When this is the case, the relevant trader shall be notified and valuation shall be made in line with the Company Policy as agreed with the said trader.


The provisions of this announcement shall be executed by Phase Forex Investment Company